Find a Dentist in Bay Shore NY that will Work to Protect Your Smile


Taking care of your smile is an everyday endeavor that patients don’t realize the importance of until it’s too late. There are foods and drinks that may be good for your body, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily good for your teeth. One of these items is diet soft drinks. If you’re looking to find a dentist in Bay Shore NY that wants to protect your smile at all costs, look no further than Bay Dental Health!


A lot of patients aren’t aware of the correlation to their sugar intake and harmful foods and drinks. While your teeth (and body) are less likely to suffer from decay damage if you minimize the amount of sugar in your diet, the acids that are in the foods and drinks you consume are still harming your smile. This is one of the reasons that many kids are suffering from dental erosion—parents believe that choosing soft drinks with little to no sugar won’t hurt their children’s smile, when in the reality, it’s the opposite!


Call our office at (631) 665-8484 to start your journey to a better, stronger smile today!